July 15, 2021

Obsession Parasite

Obsession is a paresite that rules the mind and controls the body. Your more moderate will is short-circuited, and any semblance of self withdraws to the role of caterer and carer. To stifle counter-revolution, outside of the core aims of the pathogen, the mind is tear-gassed. Too hazy to think, there is little choice but to comply.

You can spot another in the midst of obsession because they can’t answer the simplest question. Their daily rituals scatter like dirty laundry.

Riding the obsession makes everything blurry as it rushes by. Time is warped like a parabola. The human schedule does not fit its circadian rhythm. It was sunny a few moments ago, and now it’s the middle of the night. Eventually relenting to sleep, the mind spins like a gravitron and you have to scribble your thoughts to remember them and avoid motion sickness.

No exorcist has successfully cleared the demon from the body. Starving it only aggrevates its desire. Letting it live out its objective is the only proven way to rid yourself of the virus. Making sure it doesn’t drain too much blood, or leave scars.

Obsession can be a rush too though. Working at something with hunger is one certain and unpredictable way to feel alive, even while you’re just a spectator.

London, United Kingdom
micro editorial