June 17, 2021

Trophies Only Fill Cabinets

Ryan Holiday released his yearly life lessons yesterday. Each year there are many that resonate. You ought to read the full list here. There were a number of items on “success” that I wanted to ruminate over. In particular:

You know deep down that accomplishing things won’t make you happy, but I think I always fantasized that it would at least feel really good.

The conflation of success and achievement is a dangerous practice.
Determining the worth of our lives in terms of achievements is an empty prospect.

Churchill said “Victory isn’t final”. Achievement is fleeting. No matter how good it feels, it is momentary. Living for these passing highs is the route to an unfulfilled life.

Muhammed Ali said “Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion”. How good can it feel to be a champion? How long will it last? Then what?

Filling the void where your achievement was supposed to go is not a trivial task. Trophies fill cabinets, not lives.

Destinations are nothing like the photos, and the novelty wears off rather quickly. Rather than suffering, do the thing that gives you joy even during the pain.

Don’t rush towards a goal with no proof you’ll find meaning under the posts. Enjoy the steps or don’t take them. Work hard, but with purpose and personal significance.

Find a meaning for success that will greet you each day with a familiar smile.

London, United Kingdom
micro editorial