June 24, 2021

The Longest Way Round is the Shortest Way Home

I use this motto as a sense-maker. I have it written everywhere. I tend to do a poor job of explaining all that it means to me. Find here my official answer.

When it’s hard, you’re on the right path. Challenges you care about. Fights you were made for. Nothing you rushed was worth doing. No short cut was worth taking. Everything important takes time, and love, and care, and attention.

Never act half-heartedly. If you can’t go all in, don’t bother. Half-hearting does more damage than good. The long way, or no way.

How much has gone to plan so far? Yet look at all you have. When everything is going wrong, you’re living. Don’t pretend you have a modicum of control. Just keep pushing forward. The path you mapped wasn’t taking you where you need to go, anyway.

All that we love we stumbled upon.

Don’t race to the end. There is no life in achievement. Enjoy the journey. Rest assured, one day you’ll get there. Then, all you’ll dream of is the road. Reminiscing will fill your days. All your stories will be about how you got there.

So for goodness sake, take the long way round.

The longest way round is the shortest way home

London, United Kingdom
micro editorial